Thursday, December 17, 2015

Goal Mastery. The Art of Motivation and Achieving Goals. 90% off - $15

Learn How To SET and ACHIEVE Goals with Accountability Strategies. Goal Setting Made Simple. Motivation for Goal Success

Learn How To SET and ACHIEVE Goals with Accountability Strategies. Goal Setting Made Simple. Motivation for Goal Success


50 Excellent reviews from super happy students

Overall, Over 2000 Students Enrolled in our courses

3 New Bonus Videos uploaded on the 6th September

Get it Now, because Price will increase to 199$ on 27th November

BONUS Audios: so you can download and listen on your IPOD/MP3

25+ High Quality Videos

Action Steps Included In Every Section.

If you want to learn how to set specific goals and actually achieve them this course is right for you. You are going to benefit massively by implementing the Accountability Buddy System in your life. The problem with setting UNspecific goals, and not having anybody to help you along the way usually results in a failure. If you want to achieve success in your life, career, health and wealth goals, accountability is what is going to help you.

What some students say about this course:

“Martin explains everything very clear and with a lot of passion. ” – Joepperd D

“Very energetic videos that are motivating by conveying your high vibe and your easy to understand, practical content. I found lots of good advice in them that I will start to implement right away. Thank you Martin!” – Gergely Horváth

“This course is filled with great tips that can help in setting and achieving goals, very practical, but if I had one tip for everyone reading this. Make sure you do it step-by-step instead of watching it through THEN attempting to implement.” – Kevin Hunter

“Overall, Martin is a very inspiring, charismatic and positive trainer who inspired me to get on the fast track to my goals!” – Diana Dimitrova

This course is about the importance of having an accountability partner. If you were wondering, an Accountability Buddy/Partner is a person who coaches another person in terms of helping the other person keep a commitment

You will be guided in a step-by-step fashion and in every section there will be actionable items which you can implement, so the course will require your attention and also putting the theory into practice.

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Martin Georgiev

Edmund Piunow

Personal Transformation Udemy
Personal Development Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

Goal Mastery. The Art of Motivation and Achieving Goals. 90% off - $15

Triple Your Job Interviews - My Huge Job Interview Secret 95% off - $15

In 2015, getting 3 – 6 interviews a week is easy if you use LinkedIn to bypass HR and apply directly to hiring managers.

In 2015, getting 3 – 6 interviews a week is easy if you use LinkedIn to bypass HR and apply directly to hiring managers.


Course Fully Updated on March 6th, 2015

In 2015, getting a job has never been easier and I’m here to show you how to get 3 – 6 interviews a week.

Most people job hunt by applying online which is the worst possible way to find a job. But that’s all most people know because we’re simply never taught how top performing job hunters look for jobs.

After I graduated university, I couldn’t believe how hard it was to find a job. I spent hours upon hours everyday applying to jobs, writing emails, customizing cover letters and getting very little results.

But then an acquaintance told me something brilliant, “the people that find the best jobs are not necessarily the ones that are the smartest or best qualified, they’re the ones that know how to job hunt best.” They were right, and that one phrase changed my life completely.

I spent years in recruitment and HR, networked with the best career coaches, read all the top books on job hunting and researched everything I could get my hands on. I developed some amazing unique out-of-the-box job hunting strategies that worked quite well, but one strategy in particular had unbelievable results. Almost every student I worked with, no matter the background, was able to get 3 – 6 interviews within 72 hours if they simply followed the steps of this strategy.

This entire course outlines this exact job hunting strategy that has produced these incredible results.

It all revolves around bypassing HR, creating a powerful online first impression by using a variety of digital tools and applying directly to people who are responsible for hiring you.

You will be able to get 3 – 6 interviews a week after you watch this course, you simply cannot fail because it’s so incredibly simple and effective. To ensure your success, I’m here for you, you don’t have to do this alone. With the purchase of this course, I’ll give you my cell phone number so you can always call me to chat. You can also email me and I’ll respond within 24 hours or we can always set up a video conference call via Google hangouts.

I spend hours and hours answering emails and talking to my students on the phone. I get to help people everyday with my expertise and make a difference. I love what I do and I’m going to do everything I can and give you everything I got to make sure you succeed.

Have a wonderful day!

– Jerry

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Jerry Jay Hunter
Career Development Udemy
Personal Development Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

Triple Your Job Interviews - My Huge Job Interview Secret 95% off - $15

How to Be A Human Lie Detector 77% off - $15

Know when someone is lying to you. You will learn how to spot deception and uncover hidden emotions.

Know when someone is lying to you. You will learn how to spot deception and uncover hidden emotions.


In a ten minute conversation you are likely to be lied to two to three times. You might not even realize how often the people in your life are being deceitful.

91% of people lie regularly at home and at work

It’s time you get the tools to better equip yourself. How to Be A Human Lie Detector will teach you how to spot lies as well as uncover hidden emotions in the people you are interacting with.

Most importantly, it will help you have more honest interactions with the people in your life.

What If It Doesn’t Come Naturally?

You do not have to be born with a natural inclination to read people. In fact, all people reading skills and lie detection abilities can be self-taught. Studies show that with beginner level training the average person can increase their accuracy at spotting deception from 54% to 90% accuracy.

This course is based on scientifically backed research on the how to read people’s nonverbal behavior and spot lies. If you have seen the TV show “Lie to Me” we actually will be teaching you many of the actual techniques the show is based on, which comes from Dr. Paul Ekman’s research on lie detection.

Lying Myths:

Because this course is based in research backed science, it will debunk some popular myths about lying.

Lying Myth #1: If people look to the left, they are lying. If they look to the right they are telling the truth. Although there is some science about eye direction, which we talk about in the course. It is not the most reliable form of lie detection. The course will show you more accurate (and easier) ways to spot lies.

Lying Myth #2: Liars can’t look you in the eyes. On average, honest people will make eye contact during conversations about 60% of the time–way less than you thought, right? Liars actually look you in the eye more because they want to see if you believe their lie or not.

Lying Myth #3: Emails and IM’s are filled with lies because it is easier to lie when people can’t see or hear you. In the course, I will tell you which of the following have the most lies:



___Phone conversations

___Face to Face interactions

I’ll give you a hint: Shockingly, we lie the LEAST in emails.

Why is Lie Detection Important?

It is important when we know we are being lied to because it can save us money, time and sometimes even our safety. This course can train you to get to the truth 80% to 90% of the time. That can save you money on a faulty house, from hiring a bad employee or making sure you know what is really going on with your child or significant other. Unfortunately, we are not good at detecting lies. We are only right about 54% of the time! That is a little better than a coin toss.

Let me teach you how to spot lies so you can have more honest interactions and connections with the people around you.

Join me in How to Be A Human Lie Detector!

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Vanessa Van Edwards
Influence Udemy
Personal Development Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

How to Be A Human Lie Detector 77% off - $15

Mini Habit Mastery: The Scientific Way To Change Your Habits 89% off - $15

Learn how to always overcome resistance, take action, succeed every day, and make changes that last.

Learn how to always overcome resistance, take action, succeed every day, and make changes that last.


My productivity has improved heaps.

– Al Almaktoum (student)

Struggling To Change? You Are Not The Problem… It’s Your Strategy!

Many people are still trying to change the same area of their life that they wanted to change years ago.

What’s the problem? Is it them? Are they unable to change?

No, the problem is that they’re using the same failing strategies each time—the strategies that fill most books, blogs, and courses which are supposed to help people change.

I’ve been there. I followed conventional advice and tried to motivate myself into change for 10 years; I tried to “want it more.” But it never worked; it never lasted. That’s because there are serious flaws with that strategy.

This course is based on the life-changing and best-selling book, Mini Habits, which details a strategy so different from the norm that it will cause a paradigm shift in how you think about changing yourself. Since beginning my own mini habits, I’m in the best shape of my life, read 10x more books, and write 4x as many words!

I’m not just a passionate teacher of this concept, but its first beneficiary.

I have bought a lot of courses in Udemy, mostly about programming, but this is probably one of the best, if not the best I’ve bought here. I’m so glad I took a chance.

– Erick Sandoval (student)

What Will This Course Do For You?

Mini Habit Mastery will help you create good habits and remove bad habits. It’s based on cutting-edge neuroscience and is, in my biased opinion, the smartest application you’ll find of it. Many of the techniques—including the core mini habits philosophy—are completely different from traditional advice, and are more effective and reliable.

If you take this habit change course, you can expect your views on several important life concepts like motivation, willpower, and habit formation to change (for the better).

Starting and maintaining a mini habit is extremely easy to do; I’ll show you exactly why and how this concept works. For such a simple concept, there’s a lot of science and logic to back it up, and we’ll explore all of it (in a fun way).

The varied presentation styles, especially the Science in Action segments, make this course more fun than many. The production quality is high. And the information is solid.

– Beth Ellen Nash (student)

Mini Habit Mastery Features A Fun, High-Quality Presentation Style

Look at the preview video to see the quality you can expect to find inside. This course features a lot of “bells and whistles” to keep you interested in this life-changing strategy. The problem with plain lecturing for an entire course is that it gets monotonous, and it also fails to cater to different learning types. Mini Habit Mastery is dynamic, with nearly a dozen different ways of teaching this important information.

This course is based on the acclaimed Mini Habits book. When Mini Habits started changing lives, people told their friends about it. That’s why Mini Habits has twice been the #1 best-selling non-fiction Kindle book in the USA; it has sold more than 20,000 copies in less than a year.

I really enjoyed learning about mini habits and why they are so effective in helping us develop new “success muscles.” Little steps lead to bigger changes without trying. The fun teaching style kept me thoroughly engaged and laughing at the skits. Production quality was excellent.

– Halena Curran (student)

Course features:

Based on Mini Habits, the highest-rated habit book on Amazon among top sellers (4.7 stars).

More than 3.5 hours of high-quality content, featuring: HD video, crisp audio, quality editing, “an edutaining course,” world-class content, and the smartest habit-formation strategy

Almost 100% video-based course: Video is unmatched in that it engages your visual and auditory senses to appeal to different learning styles

Several studies are “brought to life” for you: studies can be rather boring because of the torturous wording used in academic jour

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Stephen Guise

Laura Avnaim

Personal Transformation Udemy
Personal Development Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

Mini Habit Mastery: The Scientific Way To Change Your Habits 89% off - $15

Reiki Level I, II and Master Certification 92% off - $15

Learn Reiki Levels 1, 2 and Master Level to become a Certified Traditional Usui Reiki Practitioner/Instructor

Learn Reiki Levels 1, 2 and Master Level to become a Certified Traditional Usui Reiki Practitioner/Instructor


Learn about Reiki, a universal energy that has been used successfully all over the world to heal emotional, physical and energetic imbalances. In this course you will learn how to perform Reiki on yourself and others.

In Level II of this course you will learn how to perform Reiki from a distance as well as how to use aspects of the Reiki energy to clear unwanted habits and manifest your goals.

In Level III, you will learn how to teach and perform attunements on others wanting to utilize Reiki for themselves.

You will receive three comprehensive manuals as well as additional worksheets. You will have the choice to connect with other like-minded individuals in an active online group which you can access even after you have completed the course. You will receive distance attunements for all three levels from your Instructor/Master. You will also receive a certificate from your Instructor/Master once you successfully complete this course.

This course can be used as a way to enhance personal growth and/or work on any imbalances within yourself or those around you. Individuals wanting to add Reiki to their current practice or wanting to begin their own Reiki practice will benefit highly from this course. Also, individuals wanting to teach Reiki to others will have the material they need to do so once they have completed this course.

Why take this course?

This course gives you the time you need to absorb the information while having access to a Certified Reiki Master and Teacher for any questions you have.

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Lisa Powers
Personal Transformation Udemy
Personal Development Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

Reiki Level I, II and Master Certification 92% off - $15

Mindfulness 95% off - $15

Learn how to live in the present moment and experience true, long lasting happiness, in under 5 minutes a day.

Learn how to live in the present moment and experience true, long lasting happiness, in under 5 minutes a day.


Learning to live in a mindful way will not only bring you a new found sense of joy and happiness, but it can also be used as a tool in order to overcome emotional and physical pain.

This course has been created with you in mind. It allows for a busy lifestyle and a demanding schedule, as some of the techniques can be done in less than a minute. So if you’ve always wanted to learn about mindfulness and meditation, but never thought you had the time, think again!

The course comes with unparalleled support from the course creator, Libby Seery, who is available 7 days a week.

Plus, as a special bonus, we offer all Udemy students an additional certificate issued by our own, Renaissance Life Therapies.

During the course you will learn the principles of mindfulness and how you can use it in everyday life and achieve the maximum benefits it has to offer.

Mindfulness will teach you how to live in the here and now. By living in the present moment, we can learn how to experience simple pleasures in a more meaningful way, and promoting a sense of contentment.

The course also focuses on learning to become more self aware. With self awareness comes a deeper understanding and a greater appreciation of not only ourself, but of our relationships how we view the world.

You can will have everything you need as all course materials are included as part of the course, including downloadable resources.

We also offer an exclusive support service to Udemy students. On enrolment, you will be given access to a fully supported learning experience which extends to personal support via skype and email with the course creator, Libby Seery. As previously stated, this is a bespoke service available to Udemy students only.

The course is self paced and offers you complete flexibility. Choose to study at a time and place that suits you, safe in the knowledge that help is always at hand.

The course syllabus includes:

Section 1








Section 2








Section 3







Section 4









Section 5










Section 6






Section 7



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Libby Seery
Happiness Udemy
Personal Development Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

Mindfulness 95% off - $15

Life Coaching Course 95% off - $15

This course is perfect if you want to set up your own life coaching business or as a personal self development tool.

This course is perfect if you want to set up your own life coaching business or as a personal self development tool.


This course covers all aspects of life coaching and so makes it the perfect choice for those people wishing to train as a life coach, as well as those people wishing to set up their own life coaching practice. Equally though, it is perfect for those who wish to use life coaching as a self development tool, in order to reach one’s full potential.

The course comes with unparalleled support from the course creator, Libby Seery, and she is available 7 days a week.

Plus, as a special bonus, we offer all Udemy students an additional certificate issued by our own, Renaissance Life Therapies.

During the course you will be introduced to many tools and techniques which will equip you with the skills necessary to become an effective communicator, ensuring you get the most from personal and professional relationships.

You’ll learn how to set goals and how to achieve them with the aid of the SMART and TGROW coaching models.

You’ll have everything you need as all course materials are included as part of the course, including over forty downloadable resources, all of which are ready for you to upload your own company logo to, and personalise as your own.

Here’s just some of what the course covers:

Coaching, Counselling, Consulting and Mentoring

The Key Responsibilities of a coach

Listening Skills


Wheel Of Life

Albert Mehrabian Model

Matching and Mirroring

Clean Language: Its Use In Coaching

Passive Aggressive Assertive Model of Communication

How Assertive Are You?




We also offer an exclusive support service to Udemy students. On enrolment, you will be given access to a fully supported learning experience which extends to personal support via skype and email with the course creator, Libby Seery. As previously stated, this is a bespoke service available to Udemy students only.

The course is self paced and offers you complete flexibility. Choose to study at a time and place that suits you, safe in the knowledge that help is always at hand.

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Libby Seery
Personal Transformation Udemy
Personal Development Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

Life Coaching Course 95% off - $15

Canva Course: Great Images with No Graphic Design Experience 84% off - $15

This Canva Course shows that you don’t need graphic design experience to create professional looking images or graphics.

This Canva Course shows that you don’t need graphic design experience to create professional looking images or graphics.



2,000+ Students have already enrolled with 55+ Five-Star Ratings!


Are you spending valuable time and money trying to create your own images for your business, brand, or social lifestyle? Would you like to learn how to gain attention from your audience with stunning graphics in an affordable way? Do you want to know how experts save precious time by using pre-made layouts and templates?

What this course is about:

This Canva Course is designed to help any entrepreneur, solopreneur, business owner, marketer, advertiser, or social media expert gain the advantage by using FREE online software, called Canva, to create killer graphics and images. Canva Course: Great Images with No Graphic Design Experience teaches you everything you need to know about how to use Canva to launch yourself steps ahead of the competition when it comes to visual media.

What you will learn in this course:

In these lessons, you will learn all of the basics of Canva so that you can get up and running quickly. Within an hour, you will already have all of the tools you will need to create amazing visual graphics. These lessons include the following:

Creating and setting up your account.

Navigation around Canva’s interface.

Selecting pre-made layouts and templates.

Adding artwork, images, text, and backgrounds.

Sharing your designs for social media platforms.

Downloading and printing your designs.

Plus free updates and additions to the course in the future!

What you don’t want to do:

Wait too long to enroll! This course is going to have evergreen updates added in the future, and the price will raise once the course meets certain milestones. The best thing to do is to enroll now so that you can lock in the price and receive all future updates for free. If you are still uncertain, you can always receive a full refund within 30 days of purchase through Udemy!


If you enjoy this course and want to learn more about the principles and theory behind great graphic design, than be sure to check out these other courses:

Canva Course: Graphic Design Theory in Social Media Intro

Canva Course: Graphic Design Theory in Social Media Volume 1

Canva Course: Graphic Design Theory in Social Media Volume 2

So whether you are working on your next eBook, creating presentation slides for your next corporate event, providing useful information on social media platforms, or need to create some killer branding material, this course is for you.

Jeremy Deighan

p.s. I am here for my students and I always welcome any feedback, questions, discussions, or reviews on my courses. Please visit my profile to see how you can contact me in the most convenient way for you!

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Jeremy Deighan
Design Tools Udemy
Design Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

Canva Course: Great Images with No Graphic Design Experience 84% off - $15

Customize Any WordPress Theme With This Simple Trick 41% off - $15

Learn how to EASILY customize common parts of your WordPress theme you can’t control from the Admin/dashboard area.

Learn how to EASILY customize common parts of your WordPress theme you can’t control from the Admin/dashboard area.


NOTE: This course is not for people who use WordPress(dot)com. You must use WordPress with paid hosting so you can access the Editor from the WordPress Appearance menu. Before you sign up, make sure you can see the “Editor” option from the Appearance menu in WordPress.


This is a course that EVERY non-techy WordPress user needs!

Tired of not being able to change your WordPress theme’s link and menu colors, text sizes and more? Do you avoid opening your theme’s stylesheet because you’re afraid you’ll break your website’s design?

This course is for anyone who uses WordPress and would like to edit parts of their site beyond the default menu options provided in the WordPress admin panel. And don’t worry, you don’t need to become a programmer to change your theme’s styles very easily.

You’ll learn how to use a browser trick to adjust your link colors, link styling, blockquote tag, font sizes, add background styles to various sections of your site, select the exact colors you desire, style your bullets with images and more!

In this course, I’ll be using the Genesis WordPress theme for illustration purposes. And while it’s great if you have this theme, it’s not necessary to grasp the lessons since all WordPress themes use CSS to control the theme’s design.

And don’t worry if you are not a programmer. As you will discover, you don’t have to be to do the basics. Editing your theme will be easier than you ever imagined.

If you’re tired of not being able to edit basic parts of your WordPress theme design, this course will be a breath of fresh air!

NOTE: This is not a course for learning programming and making drastic changes to your layout (adding another column, etc). It’s primarily for smaller edits like menu and link colors, adding additional styling, etc. You will pick up some basic CSS lessons along the way, however.

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Lisa Irby
Web Design Udemy
Design Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

Customize Any WordPress Theme With This Simple Trick 41% off - $15

Learn Photoshop CS6 Quickly and Easily (For Web Images) 68% off - $15

Think Photoshop is hard to learn? I’m going to change your mind and make learning easier than you’ve ever imagined.

Think Photoshop is hard to learn? I’m going to change your mind and make learning easier than you’ve ever imagined.



WAIT! Did you know you can get Photoshop for FREE and it’s 100% legal? Yep! Watch the “Free” Preview video below before you sign up for this course.


Are you intimidated by Photoshop? Do you believe it’s only an advanced program for web designers or photographers?

Well, it’s not!

It’s also for YOU, the blogger or webmaster who wants the freedom to create your own images for your site and social media. The problem is NO ONE ever teaches Photoshop from that angle… until now.

And I’m going to make learning so easy! You are going to be blown away by how quickly you will pick everything up. This course will definitely squash the perception of Photoshop being “too confusing.”

The Internet has become incredibly visual and attractive images drive more exposure to your site. So take control of your own creations by learning the most powerful image creation program on the planet!

By the time you are done with this course, you will be able to apply these basic lessons to create your own headers, banners, site images, YouTube thumbnails and even simple infographics.

Each section in the course builds on the one before. It begins with an overview of three core functions of Photoshop that we will use throughout the course. Once you learn those basics, you will be halfway home.

From there you will learn how to create an image from scratch, style the background, add and style text, crop people out of photos and erase backgrounds.

I’m not just going to highlight the tools. I show you real-life examples of how to use them so you can create images for your site.

I will also illustrate how to add patterns and fonts to Photoshop for ultimate design freedom. Free online image creators are great, but limited. With Photoshop, you can add as many fonts, shapes and patterns as you want and I’ll show you how!

As an added bonus, I will walk you through creating a basic infographic. These images are handy for getting more exposure on social media. I use them to get lots of traffic from Pinterest.

You’ll also learn how to create images to re-sell on T-shirts, mugs, etc. so you can earn with sites like Cafe Press, Spreadshirt, Teespring, Zazzle, you name it.

Forget hiring a graphics person to do your site images because you can learn to do them yourself!

This is not a course for web designers or advanced photo effects. So you won’t be learning how to design a website or do things like remove wrinkles from people’s faces.

This course is best if you want to create feature images on your blog posts, images for social media, headers, simple infographics and more.

I’m so excited to teach you Photoshop in a way that it SHOULD be taught, and the way I wish it had been taught to me.

Many of you are site owners without design experience who just want the control and freedom to create web images with no limitations. If that’s you, sign up today!

See ya in class!

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Lisa Irby
Graphic Design Udemy
Design Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

Learn Photoshop CS6 Quickly and Easily (For Web Images) 68% off - $15

Dive Into After Effects: Learn to Animate Motion Graphics 46% off - $15

A project-based course that guides you through animating a title card of your favorite brand in Adobe After Effects.

A project-based course that guides you through animating a title card of your favorite brand in Adobe After Effects.


Start making your own animated videos today!

After Effects is an amazing program that can help you create motion graphics, visual effects, and titles that make your videos better, but it can be intimidating to try out. In this 60-minute course, you’ll learn the magic of keyframes – the basis of creating motion graphics in After Effects.

You’ll take the title card that you created in the first Dive into After Effects: Understanding the Basics course, and you’ll introduce each element of your title card in a unique way. These include motion, scale, opacity, and rotation animations; trim path animations; and 3D transitions.

This class is perfect for video creators, designers, and everyone who wants to learn After Effects in an non-intimidating way. We recommend taking the Dive into After Effects: Understanding the Basics course first. By the end of the class, you’ll have the basic knowledge to start animating graphics and dive even further into the world of After Effects.


Animate a title card for your brand (or your favorite brand) within After Effects. This assignment will teach you how to use keyframes to introduce different elements (text, images, shapes) to the audience. If you are brand new to After Effects, take the first course in the Dive Into After Effects series to learn how to design your own title card directly within After Effects


Upload an animated GIF of your animated title card or post a link to your title card hosted on YouTube of Vimeo. We’ll learn how to do so in the course.

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Phil Ebiner
3D & Animation Udemy
Design Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

Dive Into After Effects: Learn to Animate Motion Graphics 46% off - $15

Introduction to Game Localization 88% off - $15

Become a translator, tester or project manager specialized in gamelocalization and get paid for your gaming passion

Become a translator, tester or project manager specialized in gamelocalization and get paid for your gaming passion


If you play localized games, this probably sounds familiar…

You’re playing your favorite game on a rainy winter afternoon. “Cool graphics! Amazing playability! Killer music! Stunning action! Wait a minute… What’s with all the spelling mistakes? That text doesn’t make sense! Who on earth translated this game!? I could’ve done a better job myself!”

Engage players in the game story

Learn the basic concepts behind game localization and specialize as a game translator, linguistic tester or game localization project manager.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Stages of the game localization process

Introduction to game internationalization, the game translation process, different review methods, the importance of linguistic testing. Examine the challenges you’ll face in each stage and decide which part of the process you’d like to work on!

Differences between working in-house and as a freelancer

Learn how to get acquainted with the game you’ll be translating, what reference material looks like, how to report queries, and examine general rates and salaries before you establish your own. Compare pros and cons, and select your ideal lifestyle!

The technical aspects

Get a handle on translating texts with codes, conquer those dreaded variables and learn how not to exceed character limitations. All with real examples and plenty of practical exercises! Spend more time translating and less worrying about technical issues!

Translation and transcreation

Translating a game is nothing like translating software, laws or contracts. It’s actually great fun! (That’s the brotherhood’s best kept secret: you’ll get paid for doing something fascinating!). You’ll have a blast learning how to define characters by how they speak, and translating names, character descriptions and even songs and poems! Improve your creativity and let your words take players on a rollercoaster of emotions!

Game localization testing

You’d be amazed by the amount of errors that appear when the translated text is implemented in the game. This module teaches you to identify the main types of linguistic bugs and to write straightforward, useful and professional reports. Contribute to a successful translation by reporting bugs and improvements to polish the text until it’s perfect!

Are you ready to become a game localization professional? Then insert coin and… Let’s rock!

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Pablo Muñoz Sánchez
Game Design Udemy
Design Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

Introduction to Game Localization 88% off - $15

Sketch 3 from A to Z: Become an App Designer 73% off - $15

Finally a comprehensive guide to using Sketch 3 for designing mobile applications. Learn to design an app from A to Z.

Finally a comprehensive guide to using Sketch 3 for designing mobile applications. Learn to design an app from A to Z.


Sketch 3 has revolutionized the world of mobile application design by providing the tools to transform yourself into a professional app designer with only a few hours of training. This course will teach you to use the Sketch 3 program to design dynamic, development-ready mobile app UIs that impress clients and engage users.

Learn to Design Beautiful, High-Quality Mobile Application UIs with Sketch 3’s Powerful Tools and Smooth Workflow

Master the essential principles and tools of Sketch 3.

Discover design techniques that will enhance your creative potential.

Learn and implementUI best practices to ensure quality and usability.

Journey from concept to completion by creating a sample mobile application.

Find Out Why Google, Apple, and Facebook Designers Use Sketch 3

Many of Silicon Valley’s most established and fastest growing companies swear by Sketch 3 when designing UIs for mobile applications because it’s fast and intuitive, and produces stunning final products.

One thing that sets Sketch 3 apart is its state-of-the-art vector Boolean operations, which allow you to create complex shapes and layer styles. This course will teach you the basics of Boolean operations, as well as many other advanced design techniques available within Sketch 3.

Contents and Overview

Whether you’re a beginner or a veteran designer with experience using Photoshop and Illustrator, you will find this course valuable in the way that it blends step-by-step instruction with hands-on, customizable exercises:

Mobile App Design from A to Z: With 42 lectures and 3.5 hours of content, this course covers everything from layers, shapes, and styling to text editing to exporting finished projects.

Test Your Knowledge: Periodic quizzes will review key concepts and ensure that you are mastering the content.

Interactive Design Project: Together with the instructor, you will build a sample UI for an iPhone music player app. Included Sketch documents allow you to pick up at any point in the project.

After completing this course, you will understand how to design high-quality mobile application UIs using Sketch 3 and you will be better prepared to meet the demands of your clients and developers.

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Joseph Angelo Todaro
Graphic Design Udemy
Design Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

Sketch 3 from A to Z: Become an App Designer 73% off - $15

Web Design for Beginners: Real World Coding in HTML & CSS 84% off - $15

Launch a career as a web designer by learning HTML5, CSS3, responsive design, Sass, cross device compatibility and more!

Launch a career as a web designer by learning HTML5, CSS3, responsive design, Sass, cross device compatibility and more!


You can launch a new career in web development today by learning HTML & CSS. You don’t need a computer science degree or expensive software. All you need is a computer, a bit of time, a lot of determination, and a teacher you trust. I’ve taught HTML and CSS to countless coworkers and held training sessions for fortune 100 companies. I am that teacher you can trust.

Don’t limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy “site-builder” tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with. This course does not assume any prior experience. We start at square one and learn together bit by bit. By the end of the course you will have created (by hand) a website that looks great on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops alike. I have helped over 1,100 students and have received the following feedback:

“…A fantastic course… clear, definite and engaging.”

“…Presentation is concise without being tedious… you honestly feel that you have a thorough understanding of the subject.”

“…[Brad] explained the process. Not memorize this or that, he explained the process. If you’re looking to take a course to understand the foundations of creating websites, look no further.”

“Brad definitely has some of the best techniques to embed the lesson into your mind… hands down these are the best tutorials I have had the opportunity to view.”

“I found this course really helpful and I highly recommend it… all things you learn are seen in action instantly.”

“You simply can’t go wrong with any tutorial offered by Brad Schiff. He’s one of the best at what he does and I’m truly grateful to have benefited from his instruction.”

“Brad has put together a great foundation for any body wishing to get a good understanding with front end web-development.”

“…I would definitely recommend this course to most folks I know who want to learn web design.”

“Your knowledge of the subject is amazing and your presentation is pleasing.”

“Extremely happy with this course. The instructor does a great job in explaining all the concepts.”

“…in terms of professional presentation I rate Brad Schiff’s course as one of the best. His course is well thought out and very well presented.”

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Brad Schiff
Web Development Udemy
Development Udemy
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More from Udemy can be found here:

Web Design for Beginners: Real World Coding in HTML & CSS 84% off - $15

How to Design a Logo - a Beginners Course 65% off - $15

Learn how to design a logo from client brief to finished design.

Learn how to design a logo from client brief to finished design.


Creating logos isn’t easy, especially when working with particular clients. And with so many designers out there, differentiating yourself can be difficult.

Knowing how to effectively map out your ideas will be the foundation on which you can craft extraordinary logos and bring something fresh to the table that clients can’t refuse. This is how you make clients happy, draw attention to your work, build your client base, and potentially earn more money.

Learn How to Design an Eye-Catching and Effective Logo Every Time.

Generating and Sketching Design Ideas Quickly

Fonts and Text Positioning

Color and Format Options

Using Adobe Illustrator for Creation of Logos

Submitting Design Ideas and Working with Clients

Make Every Client Happy by Designing a Great Logo

The most difficult part of working as a designer is being able to generate a logo that a client will be happy with. The key is knowing how to understand a client’s expectations, and using the right tools to draft ideas quickly. As a designer, you should also know how to properly position text, and how to choose the right colors and fonts that will represent a business in the best and most accurate way.

Contents and Overview

This course, containing over 42 lectures and 2.5 hours of content, provides step-by-step instructions on logo design. No logo design experience is required; however, you should have a full or free trial version of Adobe Illustrator, even though you don’t need prior knowledge working in this program.

You’ll receive a 61-page eBook on how to design logos, as well as information on how to receive a logo design brief from a client. Then you’ll learn how to collect reference materials and imagery to sketch out ideas.

Upon completion of this course, you’ll understand mind mapping and mood boards, which help you brainstorm logos. You’ll know how to create unique symbols, add elements to a word, use geometric shapes and initials, and position text properly.

Students will nail the basics of Illustrator, know where to find free fonts, and create logos in color, black and white, and in different formats. You’ll also receive tips on sending ideas to clients, making changes and finalizing a logo, and pricing your work. All of these skills will make you a more valuable designer or allow you to use your creativity to make your own logos.

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Tara Roskell
Graphic Design Udemy
Design Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

How to Design a Logo - a Beginners Course 65% off - $15

GIMP for Beginners: Book Covers and Free Graphic Design 68% off - $15

An introduction to the free GIMP graphics design tool focusing on the creation of book covers for self-publishing

An introduction to the free GIMP graphics design tool focusing on the creation of book covers for self-publishing


Learn the GIMP from the Ground Up

In this course I’ll show you how to use the Gnu Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), a free Photoshop like program, to produce professional looking, high quality graphics on a budget. The course uses the creation of book covers for self-publishing as the basis for demonstrating the use of the program. The techniques demonstrated can be used to create stunning graphics for any purpose including display on the Web.

GIMP Easily Explained:

Excellent course with detailed explanations on how to use GIMP to create fabulous book covers. Thank you!

-Maria Oquendo

This course provides material suitable for the absolute beginner and includes information on how to install all required tools and resources. It then goes on to show you how to use those components to produce unique, professional looking, and high quality graphics suitable for use as book covers for self-publishing. The course includes information on graphic composition that can be used to cause the most important elements of your image stand out.

Note: I demonstrate the use of the GIMP on a PC running Microsoft Windows 7. If you’re a Linux or Mac user, the GIMP is also available to you, and information in this course beyond installation is fully applicable.

Sell More of Anything with Professional Looking Graphics

Though you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, the truth is that most people do exactly that. Why not produce the best impression you can by displaying stunning graphics mixed with text. Whether you’re selling books or some other product, graphics that can capture the customer’s attention will give you a leg up in differentiating yourself from your competition.

This Course Includes Everything You Need to Know to Become Proficient with the GIMP

This course includes 29 lectures, over two hours of material, divided into the following major categories of information:

Installing, staring, and stopping the GIMP

GIMP window layout

Creating a simple book cover

Working with layers and selections

Loading fonts and using text effects

Buying and manipulating inexpensive images

Creating colored boxes

Using layer masks

Stroking a path

Putting it all together

Learn to Create Stunning Book Covers and More

Why focus on book covers? The course benefits from having a specific focus and I’m the most familiar with using the GIMP to create book covers. Besides, you only need to know the fundamentals of using the GIMP to produce book covers. Don’t worry, you can still create amazing images for the Web and beyond using the basics of the GIMP.

A Great Cover Course

Bite sized lessons that are clear and concise on how to use The GIMP to create ebook covers for the KINDLE. Very easy to follow.

-Bronwyn Wilson

This course uses a combination of presentation slides and screen capture to show you how to use the GIMP to produce book covers specifically.

Expect to spend several days to weeks digesting all the information provided in this course.

Start Today!

Silly as it may seem, your book cover is the first characteristic of your book that is likely to distinguish you from the crowd. Why not spend some time learning how to produce a quality, professional looking book cover for your self-published work using free tools and inexpensive professional quality images?

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Brian Jackson
Design Tools Udemy
Design Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

GIMP for Beginners: Book Covers and Free Graphic Design 68% off - $15

Create Your Membership Website with WordPress 92% off - $15

Step by step guide to setting up your first membership website using WordPress.

Step by step guide to setting up your first membership website using WordPress.


Introducing a New Course That Shows You How to Create Your Own Membership Website and Set Up Subscriptions Without Needing Technical Skills (Non-Techies welcome!).

Have you ever wanted to create your own membership website?

If you’re browsing this course, I’m guessing you already have some idea of the benefits of having a membership website.

There is massive opportunity to create profitable web based business in today’s technology driven world. Some of the best opportunities exist in membership websites – just look at LinkedIn, Lynda, Facebook and many more BILLION DOLLAR web based businesses utilizing membership websites.

But where do you start? What if you’ve never built a website before?

This course is designed for beginners that want to build their first membership website. I ask that you have at least some basic understanding of WordPress – you don’t need to have built a website before to take this course but you do need to at least know what WordPress is.

I can personally say that learning how to create membership websites has contributed to over 91% of my passive income online. Gaining the knowledge of creating membership websites has literally changed my life and business.

Here’s some of the topics that will be covered in this course:

What a membership website is

Benefits of a membership website

Getting hosting and setting up your website

Configurations of your membership website

Setting up payment options for your membership website

Connecting email management lists to your membership website

Setting up high converting sign up forms and using coupon codes

There’s a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee so you have nothing to lose and potential profits to gain.

If you’re interested in setting up your first membership website, I highly encourage you to take my course – you may have your website set up in as soon as a couple of days! I’ll personally help you if you need.

Get started today by taking this course.

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Michael Shen
Web Design Udemy
Design Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

Create Your Membership Website with WordPress 92% off - $15

eBay : eBay on Steroids - Be your own eBay manufacturer 95% off - $15

Learn how to Make Money on Ebay with Unlimited Inventory. Be your very own manufaturer. $3275 in November 2015

Learn how to Make Money on Ebay with Unlimited Inventory. Be your very own manufaturer. $3275 in November 2015


As a ebayer since 2005. I can say I know ebay inside out. I have been selling on ebay for more than 10 years.

I will teach you a ebay system that I have been using for the past few year and even now I am still running this system, In the course you will see me login to various ebay account as a proof.

I make $3275 in November 2015 just by selling PLR ebooks that I have rebrand and repackage.

November 2015 – $3275

October 2015 – $1841

Watch Lecture 1 and 2 for Proof

In the beginning ebay was easy, I could buy a item from a store near my place at full retail price and sell it on ebay and still make a profit. I start doing that and eventually grow bigger and I start sourcing product from China, Malaysia and Thailand and resell it on Ebay.

As more and more seller join in and take a pie of the market share. It become harder. Gone are the days where you can order a product from manufacturer and list it on ebay. Gone are the days with drop shipping. Maybe it still work. But I have no success with those. I even have a manufacturer that supply me a range of product and they have their own team to sell on ebay. Do you think you can outperform the manufacturer. Let face it ebay is a big market place. Manufacturer in the last 10 years has been slowly moving part of their sale to ebay (they never let you know about this).

To cut story short. You are going to learn how I take PLR product and turn it into a unique product that no one has. And because of that I have unlimited inventory.

You will also learn a secret how to make 100% of the profit. If your item sell for $10 you make $10 and if your item sell for $30 you make $30. You will learn this trick in my course. Please do note that we are delivering physical product to the customer. Nobody has ever share this tricks.

I get into the system in-depth.

This is not a set and forget system, you need to work for it. Once you have build your inventory to 300 item, you can sit back and enjoy and never worry about money. And with my course you never run out of inventory. you can find 1000s of inventory for a small costs.

Is there any cost involved?

Yes you need some inventory first, some software and tools. You can do it under 200 – 300. Once you have build your inventory, from then on your sales = profit. 100% profit for whatever selling price.

P/S Please note this is not a course on how to open a ebay account, how to open a paypal account. This are elementary stuff you can find video on youtube on how to open a ebay account.

Enroll now and I will see you inside

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Winston Wee
Home Business Udemy
Business Udemy
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eBay : eBay on Steroids - Be your own eBay manufacturer 95% off - $15

How to Start and Grow Your Online Agency From Scratch 84% off - $15

Earn your first $1K online within 10weeks or get free coaching until you do !

Earn your first $1K online within 10weeks or get free coaching until you do !


Earn your first $1.000,- guarantee: Earn $1K in 10 weeks following the course OR get free coaching from me until you do!

What am I going to get from this course ?

If you follow the steps to the point you will have at least a $1.000 client at the end of this course and a clear path to taking your side business full time.

What is the course about?

This is about the PROCESS of building a real longterm online agency from scratch. We will reverse any online agencies in your country, and package the service so it sells and offer it to the marketplace! I am currently doing this full time myself, and will use my own agency as a case study during the course.

What is the target audience ?

If you want to learn a real and ethical ways to start an online business. If you have been trying to make money online for years with no or little results. If you want to run a business without building a network/audience. If you currently have a agency without clients or a good income.

What kind of materials are included?

Spreadsheets, support group, action steps for each video and relevant links.

How is the course structured?

Its 14 videos created with action task in mind. The main course is structured to see one video, and use 1 week on the action steps so you have a profitable agency within 10 weeks.

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Nickolas Ite
Entrepreneurship Udemy
Business Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

How to Start and Grow Your Online Agency From Scratch 84% off - $15

Advanced Financial Management for CA / CS / CFA /CPA Exams 90% off - $15

Expose yourself to advanced concepts in Financial Management and equip yourself for Professional Course Examns

Expose yourself to advanced concepts in Financial Management and equip yourself for Professional Course Examns


Welcome to this course on Advanced Financial Management – A Comprehensive Study.

In this course you will be expose to the advanced concepts of Financial Management covering

a) Mergers and Acquisitions.

b) Capital Market Instruments

c) Advanced Capital Budgeting Techniques.

d) Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting

e) Sensitivity and Scenario Analysis in Capital Budgeting

f) Leasing

g) Basics of Derivatives.

h) Portfolio Management – Quantitative Techniques.

i) Dividend Decisions.

The above topics were also available as separate courses. By taking this course, you need not take the separate courses taught by me in the above names.

This course is structured keeping Professional course students in mind like CA / CPA / CFA / CMA / MBA Finance, etc.

This course will equip you for approaching those professional examinations. This course is presented in simple language with examples. This course has video lectures (with writings on Black / Green Board / Note book, etc). You would feel you are attending a real class.

This course is structured in self paced learning style. You would require good internet connection for interruption free learning process. You have to go through the videos leisurely to grab the concepts with clarity.

Take this course to gain strong hold on Advanced Concepts in Financial Management.

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CA Raja Natarajan, B.Com., PGDBA, FCA
Finance Udemy
Business Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

Advanced Financial Management for CA / CS / CFA /CPA Exams 90% off - $15

Build Your Own Hosted Social Network Platform / Community 46% off - $15

Looking for a quick way to build your own social networking site like Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest? Try this course!

Looking for a quick way to build your own social networking site like Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest? Try this course!


Have you wanted to set up a forum for your community? Wanted somewhere for members to post informative blog posts? Would you like your members to have conversations with other members of your group, sharing common interests and answering questions?

This course will show how you can solve the above problems by creating your own social network.

Using Ning, the hosted social network builder SaaS app, we’l look at:

– Why to choose Ning

– Ning Pricing (hint: it starts at $25 per month for up to 1,000 members)

– How to sign up

– Dashboard Overview

– Settings – style, fonts, page design and more

– Feeds – pull information from your own blog, an industry blog, podcasts and other social networks

– Managing Members – setting up groups, customising emails & easily managing comments/spam

Take this quick, comprehensive course to fast-track your social network building today.

Have I missed a topic you would like covered?

Have a question relating to the course?

Message me here on Udemy!

Please don’t forget to leave me a comment and a rating, every little bit of love helps :)

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Rich Peterson
Entrepreneurship Udemy
Business Udemy
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More from Udemy can be found here:

Build Your Own Hosted Social Network Platform / Community 46% off - $15

Forex Management - Detailed Study for CA / CS / CFA Exams 90% off - $15

Learn fundamentals to advanced concepts in International Finance to equip yourself for Professional Course Exams

Learn fundamentals to advanced concepts in International Finance to equip yourself for Professional Course Exams


Welcome to the course International Finance – A Comprehensive Study.

In this course, you will learn about the International Finance and its related aspects covering

a) What are Forex Rates?

b) What is Bid / Ask / Swap / Spread?

c) How to compute Depreciation / Appreciation of Currencies?

d) Why Foreign Currency Rates Fluctuates?

e) What are Foreign Exchange Risks?

f) How to hedge Foreign Currency Transactions through Forward Contracts, Future Contracts and Option Contracts.

This course is structured keeping Professional course students in mind like CA / CPA / CFA / CMA / MBA Finance, etc.

This course will equip you for approaching those professional examinations. This course is presented in simple language with examples. This course has video lectures (with writings on Black / Green Board / Note book, etc). You would feel you are attending a real class.

This course is structured in self paced learning style. You would require good internet connection for interruption free learning process. You have to go through the videos leisurely to grab the concepts with clarity.

This course consolidates my other courses on Forex namely

Forex Basics

Forex Rates – Why it fluctuates?

Learn Forex Risk: Understand Forex Decision Making

By taking this course, you need not take the above course.

Take this course to gain strong hold on International Finance.

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CA Raja Natarajan, B.Com., PGDBA, FCA
Finance Udemy
Business Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

Forex Management - Detailed Study for CA / CS / CFA Exams 90% off - $15

The Ultimate Guide to Crowdfunding 32% off - $15

Learn about the key players, investors and trends that are shaping the new model of online collaborative funding

Learn about the key players, investors and trends that are shaping the new model of online collaborative funding


Crowdfunding is taking the world by storm. It is set to fundamentally disrupt early stage investing – replacing an old, inefficient process with one that leverages modern technology to seamlessly connect companies and investors. An avenue of capital is being established that will launch thousands of ideas that may not otherwise have seen the light of day.

With over 1,000 platforms globally, the market is becoming increasingly fragmented and difficult to navigate. This course is designed to give you an in-depth understanding of the key players, investors and trends that are shaping the new model of online collaborative funding.

In the first section we look back at the events that led to the evolution of this nascent industry and the key themes that are driving it forward today. We then go on to examine these themes in greater detail, picking up on many of the issues that are commonly overlooked.

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Tom Walker
Finance Udemy
Business Udemy
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More from Udemy can be found here:

The Ultimate Guide to Crowdfunding 32% off - $15

Workshop and Seminar Profit Secrets 95% off - $15

How to develop workshops, seminars and speeches that make you a CLIENT MAGNET and help you sell products and services..

How to develop workshops, seminars and speeches that make you a CLIENT MAGNET and help you sell products and services..



Note: Over 2,000 students since the course was published this month.

Our courses on Udemy have been taken by over 14,000 happy students from 147 Countries.


Your potential clients and customers need to know that what you offer will improve the quality of their life and they must trust that you are someone who can help solve their problems.

You may have heard that people tend to buy products and service from practitioners and brands they know, like and trust. But did you know that the most effective way to build a relationship with your future clients and customers is through offering educational workshops? By teaching what you know, you get to demonstrate your expertise, increase the value you offer, and build trust.

The Be a Client Magnet program provides a blueprint for creating and delivering effective, revenue-generating workshops.

Learn how to:

Expand your client base by reaching more people

Turn the process you use every day into teachable workshop material

Capitalize on your expertise and knowledge

Entice your audience to buy your products or services without being “salesy”

The Be a Client Magnet program provides video lessons taught by expert workshop facilitators Joeel & Natalie Rivera as well as detailed worksheets and templates to walk you through the process of developing your workshop.

Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or totally new to the idea of teaching what you know, this program provides proven, best-in-the-industry strategies that will give you the confidence to add workshops to your business as a powerful way to attract and retain clients.

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Joeel & Natalie
Entrepreneurship Udemy
Business Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

Workshop and Seminar Profit Secrets 95% off - $15

Best practices in document management 67% off - $15

Develop your cost-effective and future-proof documentation strategy

Develop your cost-effective and future-proof documentation strategy


Documentation is nowadays regarded as an integral part of selling a product or service to customers. You might have at your disposal the best technological systems, publishing applications and the related tools for working and editing your content, but without the proper best practices in place, chances are the processes you implement for taking care of the life cycle of your documentation will not be planned and managed adequately, which means that you will be less successful in your operations.

You need best practices for several reasons – for example, they allow you to plan the delivery of your documentation in a more rigorous manner, allow you to cut down on costs, have more visibility of your processes and be able to manage your human and technological resources in a better way, among other benefits. The great thing with best practices is that they allow you to implement your systems, processes, and roles within a framework that is future-proof and that you can reconfigure as, and when required.

This course is all about these best practices and is an invaluable reference for anyone wishing to take document management to the next level. You will gain awareness of all the fundamental considerations for turning documentation into, not only a corporate-wide function, but also to improve the way you think about the delivery of your documentation at a personal level. Furthermore, while this course is primarily focused on document management, it is by no means limited to that – meaning you will find it really helpful in any environment where building a successful strategy for the delivery of content is required, whether that be finance, legal, engineering, software and many more. So, dive in and unleash the full potential of your content by adopting these best practices in document management!

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Dr. Tish Chungoora
Strategy Udemy
Business Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

Best practices in document management 67% off - $15

Foundation of Project Requirements by EXAMPLES 68% off - $15

Learn the essential elements of project requirements that help you successfully manage your projects

Learn the essential elements of project requirements that help you successfully manage your projects


We all know that requirements are one of the key core elements that we have in each business or personal project. Without understanding them, we cannot define the project scope correctly and accurately (and we know project scope is a combination of the boundary of the project as well as elements inside that boundary). Therefore, we will have a lot of challenges in other areas such as managing cost, time, resources, etc.

And more important of the challenges above, we will lose the key stakeholders’ satisfaction. I am sure you have seen this situations and you know about the results of having poor requirement.

So, the question is that how we can face with the challenges above?

This short training course which is part of the “Pieces of Chocolate” training series, has been designed to help you understand the foundation of requirements, especially related defining and managing the scope of your projects. This course is essential to manage of your project requirements successfully.

The concepts that I have provided in this course are general and they can be used in different business domains.

This course turns on many lights for you related to project scope and project requirements. It includes many examples for each sections to help you understand the concepts and find enough confident to define requirements in your projects.

This course includes 6 main sections and it covers:

What requirements are and why they are important

Types of requirements

Characteristics of a good requirement

Requirements Relationships

Requirements Attributes

Common Requirements Challenges

And more …

At the end of the course you will be able to clearly and accurately understand, identify and define different types of requirements in your projects.

You will also be able to avoid the common mistakes and challenges related to the project requirements.

The main achievement of this course is to increase the stakeholders’ satisfaction and I am sure you know the value of this achievement.

This course will dramatically reduce the failure rate of projects suffering from poor requirements. Regardless of your job title or role, if you are tasked with communicating your future needs to others, this course will help.

If you involve in (IT or Non-IT) projects and would like to learn about project requirements, then I am sure you will find this course useful such as sweetest pieces of chocolate!

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Sasan Nikookar
Project Management Udemy
Business Udemy
Udemy Most Popular courses


More from Udemy can be found here:

Foundation of Project Requirements by EXAMPLES 68% off - $15

Reverse Logistics Management and Sustainability 84% off - $15

Best practices to managing returns and achieving social, economic, and environmental responsibility.

Best practices to managing returns and achieving social, economic, and environmental responsibility.


Traditionally, businesses have concentrated on improving the forward supply chain for their products (e.g., manufacturer-wholesaler-retailer). However, as the business environment becomes more competitive, it becomes increasingly important for them to concentrate on optimizing the backward loop, as well. Reverse logistics practices have been in existence for a long time, especially in the automotive industry, where manufacturers try to recover value from recycling car parts.

The goal of sustainable development is to “meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” As key forces in society, organizations of all kinds have an important role to play in achieving this goal.

The urgency and magnitude of the risks and threats to our collective sustainability, alongside increasing choice and opportunities, will make transparency about economic, environmental, and social impacts a fundamental component in effective stakeholder relations, investment decisions, and other market relations. Transparency about the sustainability of organizational activities is of interest to a diverse range of stakeholders, including business, labour, non-governmental organizations, investors, accountancy, and others.

Content and Overview:

This course contains 23 lectures, 3 hours of content organized in 2 areas, and quizzes containing 20 questions. It’s geared both for people who know nothing about reverse logistics and sustainability as well as more seasoned professionals who are anxious to hone their approach to these concepts.

The content areas include:

Reverse Logistics Management

Reverse Logistics Framework

Reverse Supply Chains

Returns Management and Recycling

Closed-Loop Supply Chains

Sustainability Practices

Sustainability Definition and Scope

Building a Sustainability Development System

Sustainability and the Balanced Scorecard

Sustainability Reporting and the UN Global Compact

By completing this course, you’ll be armed with the valuable and practical skills you need to fully implement and manage Reverse Logistics and Closed Loop Supply Chains, manage the returns process decisions with respect to repair, refurbishment, disposition, and secondary market more efficiently, act in a socially and environmentally responsible manner, and produce real value for the company, environment, and society. The course will provide you with the information and analysis you need to remain both current and competitive; the state-of-the-art knowledge and practices you need to shape your organization to meet the call of sustainability, manage your company in an efficient, holistic way that takes into account important sustainability trends shaping our world of tomorrow.

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