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How To Make an Extra $8,500/mo as a Social Media Manager.
My simple part-time formula makes it easy to earn thousands more a month. No special skills or hard work required.
Making money managing small business social media is easy when you know how.
Enrol and I’ll personally share my simple step-by-step process that makes me thousands each month with very little work on my part. Your training includes a complete suite of resources and all the materials you need to start immediately. No special skills required.
It’s all easier than you might think. I typically never talk to my clients, the money appears “magically” in my account on the first of the month and I have no risk or down-side because I get paid in advance (and you will too.)
This course contains copies of my actual sales letter to clients, the web page (html + copy), promotional emails, order emails, lead generating report (use ‘as is’), client on-boarding audit document, step-by-step process guide and much more. Yours to literally copy-n-paste your way to rapid results!
Hello, my name’s James Burchill and I’m a “lazy” entrepreneur!
I enjoy down time, reading books, writing, watching movies, dinners out with my friends and so on. I only work “hard” a few hours a month and the rest of the time I use systems and outsourced contract staff.
Even working just a few hours a month doing what I do, I make more than most each year. It’s a simple system and when I started implementing it I was making just an extra $1,000 a month. Later when I scaled it up to 12 clients I made an extra $6,000 a month … and at my “busiest” (17 clients) I was banking an extra $8,500 per month – that’s just over $100K per year – on top of all the other things I do – or don’t do *wink*
Look, I’m not saying you will make this much – I don’t know you or whether you will do anything with the material and training I provide. But if you follow the formula you will make money – guaranteed. There’s no magic to it, it’s a simple service and you get paid to deliver it (note: I said ‘deliver it’ not do it…) How much you get is entirely up to you but it will be a lot more than the one-time investment you’ll make in this course.
So now that we’re clear, here’s what I’ll teach you (and this isn’t theory) as with all my courses – they’re from personal experience and in the case of this course, I’m still doing this myself and making thousands every month from it.
So why would I teach you? Doesn’t it create competition? Not really, people buy from people for a whole range of reasons and unless you’re living right next door to me (in which case let’s partner up and make even more money – LOL!) there will be no issue.
I’ll show you my “content made easy” process from start to finish:
I’ll explain WHY clients will pay you (it’s not what you think.)
How I get leads and convert them automatically into clients.
How I handle contractors and where I find them.
How I time the tasks to keep it simple. Minimal work. Maximum profits.
How I automate client delivery throughout the month. The tools I use.
How I get paid automatically each month. No pesky “receivables”
How I easily up-sell the client with other high-value services
And more … BONUS Materials Value: $4975
The actual SALES PAGE from my “secret offer” website I share with clients (the HTML file plus a PDF edition for reference.)
Copies of emails I’ve written and sent to clients to land new business
Copies of the Job Wanted adverts I use to hire contractors
Copies of the email I send to contractors when booking work
Copies of the email I send to clients when sending them their content
The actual “CDS” excel worksheet I use when on-boarding a new client
A copy of the special lead generation report I offer new client leads
Bonus training manual on the 36 Ways to FAIL in Social Media
6 Secret content source ideas + a sample advert for the service offer.
I’m a little embarrassed to say it … but this is a dead simple solution that provides a valuable service to local business clients who have very little time and know they need this n
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